Achieving a thorough understanding of how primary sedimentary granularity drives considerable het-erogeneity in internal......
Obtaining a continuous sedimentary record of Cenozoic East Asian paleoclimate change is key to understand the origin,evo......
The redox state of arsenic controls its toxicity and mobility in the subsurface environment.Understanding the redox reac......
Transport of multi-wailed carbon nanotube suspensions in porous media:Effects of surfactants and cla
在最近的年里,巨大的兴趣在二与蛋白质汇编的目的被付了到 biomolecular 建筑学稳固的底层上的尺寸,和泥土蛋白质 ultrathin 电影(CP......
在从在 Bering 海的 IODP 地点 1340 的沉积的克莱矿物质集合和 crystallinities 被分析以便跟踪沉积来源并且重建 Bering 海的 pa......